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Asthma in Children: Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention Strategies

Asthma is a respiratory condition that can impact individuals of all ages, including children. Asthma is marked by three main characteristics, which are:

  • The narrowing of the airways

  • Swelling of the airway membranes

  • The overproduction of mucus

These three things can contribute to the constriction of the airways which causes asthma sufferers to have breathing difficulty. In children, asthma presents different symptoms compared to adults. Read below to know what you can do to take care of your little one who suffers from asthma.

What Are the Symptoms of Asthma in Children?

The difference between asthma that is experienced by children and adults is the consistency of the symptoms they feel. Usually, adults have more severe asthma attacks and the symptoms happen more often. This can make them dependent on medication to relieve themselves from the attack.

Meanwhile, most children with asthma tend to experience irregular attacks. But when it does happen, it can make your child panicky, and thus the after-effects of asthma become even more severe. This is because be it in children or adults, asthma can cause shortness of breath. Some other symptoms of asthma in children include:

  • Constantly coughing especially at night, in the morning, or during cold weather.

  • There is a wheezing sound that occurs repeatedly when the child exhales.

  • Constantly waking up at night due to coughing or shortness of breath.

  • Often experiencing fatigue. 

What Are the Causes of Asthma in Children?

The main cause of asthma in children is usually due to genetic factors that occur when several family members suffer from this same illness. 

In addition to genetic factors, other things can also trigger asthma in children that you should be aware of, such as:

  • Congenital factors.

  • Recurrent and severe respiratory tract infections, including colds, pneumonia, bronchitis, and sinus infections.

  • Exposed to certain allergy triggers (allergens), such as dust mites, dust, pet dander, and pollen.

  • Exposure to air pollution, chemicals, cold air, odors, or smoke that can irritate a child's airways. 

How to Prevent Asthma in Children from Recurring?

If indeed your little one is having asthma, then it is becoming very crucial for you to take preventative measures so that the asthma can be controlled and won't recur as often. To prevent that from happening, you can follow the tips that we’ve compiled below! 

If your child shows signs of asthma, it is best to avoid the asthma triggers. Usually, the asthma trigger can take place in the form of:

  • House dust mites

  • Moss 

  • Furry pets

  • Any kind of smoke (cigarette smoke, factory smoke, vehicle smoke, etc)

  • Cockroach or insect 

  • Spray chemicals

  • Flower pollen

  • Food allergies from chocolate, ice snacks with preservatives

Excessive physical activity can trigger asthma attacks in children, causing them to experience symptoms such as severe coughing and shortness of breath while doing physical activity. 

Thus it becomes very important for you to ensure your children do not have any excessive physical activity. But do keep in mind that although your child should avoid excessive physical activity and exercise, it does not mean that they are not allowed to exercise at all. Your little one can still have exercise with the following conditions: 

  • Asthma is well-controlled

  • Always make sure your little one does a warm-up first

  • Avoid running

  • Not doing any exercise when having an attack

  • Have the medication on hand

Obesity can make asthma symptoms worse. Additionally, obesity in children can also trigger other health problems aside from asthma that are certainly dangerous for your little one.

Thus for this reason, always maintain your child's weight. Make sure your child only eats healthy foods and lives a healthy lifestyle so that their weight is always ideal.

Asthma in children can worsen in cold and dry air. Therefore, it is important to maintain a stable air temperature in the house, particularly in the child's room. Additionally, it is also crucial to keep your house clean. 

You should make sure the air conditioners or fans that you utilize in the house, especially in your children's bedroom, are regularly cleaned. To go one step further, you can also consider hiring professional mattress cleaning services to eliminate dust and allergens that can trigger asthma around the house.

When it’s time for a check-up for your children, you should never delay it. Regular check-ups are essential to monitor the progression of asthma in children. You should also never ignore the signs that your child’s asthma is worsening. Regular consultation can help in adjusting treatment plans and managing your child's asthma symptoms effectively.

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