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Evan Rannachan - White Sharks

Equally at home photographing fine wines as he is shooting sports, it was California-based artist Euan Rannachan’s photos of white sharks that made him Insta-famous. “When I posted that photo, I knew it would get some attention. I wasn’t prepared for it to become part of popular culture.”

The photo, a frontal shot of a female white shark named The Squirrel, has an uncanny resemblance to the photo from the Jaws poster. It’s popularity put Euan at the forefront of shark photography.

Euan’s first time in the shark cage was 2016, and he admits it changed him. “I wish every person in the entire world had to do it at least once,” the filmmaker and photographer says about cage diving. “The sharks are just there, just coexisting. They know they don’t want to eat us. When you realize that, a switch flips, and the rewiring happens, You second-guess everything else in your life and it’s incredible.”

Hollywood portrays sharks as dangerous and terrifying because that sells tickets, an image Euan is trying to combat with his photos. “Like most people, I love a good jaws shot, but it’s my goal to show the other side of these apex predators through my photos and videos.”

Time spent as a photographer for the San Jose Sharks helped Euan refine his unique underwater shooting style. “Photographing sharks is a lot like shooting action sports, as you have an unpredictable subject that is always moving.”

Euan’s highly distinctive shark photography has earned him a broad following. He hears from a lot of people who tell him diving with sharks is on their bucket list.

“It’s amazing when people actually put their money where their mouth is and do that thing. That’s where life begins.”

If you would like to see more of Euan’s work he can be found @euanart on most social media sites or on his website

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