Just Like The Other Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents Can Be Mitigated
Accidents are regarded as unfortunate events that happen in our daily lives. Among the most common types of accidents are motorcycle accidents. Traditionally, these types of accidents were not very common since not so many relied on motorcycles as their means of transport. Over time, as many people were in a position to own motorcycles, the rate of accidents increased.
In the current world, motorcycle accidents have increased in numbers, demanding necessary measures to be taken to regulate them. This comprehensive guide will serve as a good jurisprudence on how motorcycle accidents can be regulated.
The origin and scope of motorcycles
Motorcycles have been in existence since time memorial. The traditional ones were quite expensive and few, hence were owned by people of the rich class. As time went by, many manufacturers opted for mass production of motorcycles which were cheaper, and easily accessible by people of all classes.
That meant that the strict compliance that was there originally was relaxed, and now everyone irrespective of their qualification could own a motorcycle. As many people owned motorcycles, that resulted in the occurrence of so many accidents due to the same.
An analysis of the sources of motorcycle accidents
While it has been difficult to come up with a conclusive list of the causes of motorcycle accidents, the common ones can be divided into two main categories. The first category is the human factors which are the activities of humans on the road that result in accidents. The second category involves force majeure circumstances which are unexpected natural events that happen on the roads resulting in the occurrence of accidents.
Discussed below is a mixture of both the human and non-human factors that cause motorcycle accidents;
Most motorcycle riders do not comply with traffic laws, which results in them getting into accidents. A practical example of this is where there are traffic lights and they indicate the sign stop. In most cases, other vehicles stop while motorcycles assume and proceed. Understanding that traffic lights operate differently in different lanes, the motorcycle can end up bumping into another vehicle in a different lane, resulting in an accident.
Most jurisdictions have strict laws that govern the use of roads. An example of the laws is the law against drunk driving which from experience, mostly applies to cars and buses. Knowing that the laws do not apply to them, most riders go ahead to ride their motorcycles when intoxicated thereby causing accidents.
As compared to other automobiles, motorcycles are designed to go at a very high speed. The standard practice is that riders should maintain the required speed when riding on busy roads. However, despite the regulation on the speed limit, most riders still use very high speed which at times can cause accidents.
These are events that happen which are beyond our human control. They include snow, fog, and mist among other events. The events can disrupt the visibility of motorcycles on the road, which can lead to them causing accidents.
Motorcycles that are manufactured with defects such as an overheating engine, brake fluids, and leaks are likely to have operational problems thus causing accidents on busy roads.
It is common practice that every operational instrument should be maintained and serviced after a certain period of use. This applies to motorcycles as well. Lack of proper maintenance and servicing of motorcycles can result in them developing defects, which can contribute to the occurrence of accidents. Depending on the make, motorcycles have different service durations. As a rider and owner, it is important that you take your motorcycle for servicing at the scheduled period.
The best ways to ensure your safety when using motorcycles
Considering the intensity of harm caused by accidents that involve motorcycles, various steps have to be taken to ensure the safety of its users. Some of the measures that they can take include;
This involves teaching the owners and users the basic principles of operating a motorcycle. After successfully undergoing the training, individuals will be confident enough to ride their motorcycles on busy roads without causing accidents.
This is a form of permit given to motorcycle drivers to allow them to ride their motorcycles on b busy roads. By acquiring a license, it will be proof of their mastery of skills and all the laws pertaining to the use of roads.
Motorcycle riders should have their bikes checked regularly to avoid failures and defects of their parts on serious and busy roads.
How one is dressed when riding a motorcycle will determine how much hurt one will get upon the occurrence of an accident. It is advisable that the users should wear protective clothing such as protective helmets to prevent severe damage in case of an accident.
Taking alcohol affects a person’s ability to think clearly. it is therefore a common practice among drivers, that they should avoid anything to do with drunk driving.
Motorcycles should also strive to maintain the speed limit recommended by the authorities to prevent the occurrence of accidents.
Due diligence
This entails the process of investigating the condition of the motorcycle before purchasing it. This will ensure that you purchase a motorcycle that is free of defects.
Anytime you notice that the weather conditions are not that friendly, be aware that vision on the road can likely impaired. Therefore, avoid riding your motorcycle until the conditions regain normalcy.
Motorcycle accidents as a rising concern
Motorcycle accidents have been a growing concern across the world. it is prudent that the government takes necessary measures to mitigate the issue. While it is the main responsibility of the riders to ensure that they ride safely and follow all the traffic laws, the government as the main regulator of all activities should ensure that the issues are under control.
Some of the measures that the government can take include;
Coming up with a specific law that regulates motorists will be a step forward toward minimization of accidents.
As proponents say,’ an educated system is an empowered one.’ The government can hold motorcycle safety courses to help riders understand the importance of their safety.
As a way of mitigating the accident measures, the government can come up with tough disciplinary measures to people who ride bikes without measuring up to the required compliance measures. This will prevent untrained people from riding bikes, thereby reducing the occurrence of accidents.
Through development of the roads and other infrastructure, the government will have reduced motorcycle accidents by a large percentage.
Motorcycles are a preferred mode of transport for many people across the globe. This is due to their speed and convenience. However, due to the large number of people using them, so many accidents have been reported as a result of negligence of the drivers. This calls for a collective effort from all parties to ensure that motorcycle accidents are reduced on a daily basis.